Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thing 10 - Copyright & Plagiarism

Really am enjoying looking at this information as I am constantly asked questions and continually teaching lessons that need to incorporate this information. Looked at some new citation tools which will prove useful and can add to my webpage. Such as:
And Copyright quizzes: (Great, have used these with teachers for Summer Bytes 2007) (teachers) (students)
Plagairism Quiz:
Paraphrasing Quiz:
Comments and Reflections:
It is always difficult to deal with the reality of copyright and plagiarism. Everyone thinks it won't happen to them. I feel my job is to inform and make aware but I never want to be the "COPYRIGHT" police. I am really pleased with the questions from our District Office, Technology Coordinators and Teachers who are continually asking for an interpretation of what is fair use. I firmly believe our District #112 is making strides in keeping within fair use guidelines. 10 years ago, everyone was violating copyright, everywhere. That is not the case anymore. With the opening of our new Chanhassen High School in 2009, everything we use will need digital rights and that is going to pose a whole new challenge as there will be no VHS, or TV monitors -- only computers and LCD projectors so the teaching materials utilized now in support of curriculum will all have to be made legal which of course, always comes down to money. There is never enough. And once a resource is used by a teacher, they do not like to give them up easily, without a good replacement. We are fortunate in our district to have a leg up on some great Video resources such as United Streaming, Online textbooks and Resources already being used to support curriculum....but this will be a big hurdle.

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